Monday, September 04, 2006

The Planetarium

If you want to get away from the Strip and the neon for a while may I suggest a visit to the Planetarium. The Planetarium is located on the campus of the Cheyenne location of the Community Campus of Southern Nevada. People have commented or emailed me asking for things to do with the family in Las Vegas and this is one option. Its your standard Planetarium with displays of current and past space programs as well as two celestial shows shown on the domed screen of the Planetarium. They also have a gift shop with model rockets, posters, star charts, spaces pens and the like. There are two shows on Friday and two on Saturday with addmission $5 for adults and $3 for kids and seniors a real bargain. After the late shows on both days the telescopes at the student observatory are available for viewing as long as the weather is clear.

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